
My Tasks Today - React.js
React.js application that allows the user to create a list of tasks.

React.js, Axios, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Semantic-UI-React

codeInsight Live
Full-stack app to dispaly Github user statistics

Node.js, MongoDb, Express, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScrip, D3.js, EJS

Community Projects Map
Client driven design and usability

JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, Leaflet.js, Mapbox, Tabletop.js

A Saturated Plot
D3.js scatter plots on saturated fat data

Data Wrangling, OpenRefine, JavaScript, D3

Data Map
Updates data with slider

Mapbox, JavaScript, JSON, CSV

D3 World Cup
A student project in D3

D3.js, responsive svg, nest, rollup, leaves, transitions, and scales

Feed Reader Testing
Implementation of 'test-driven development' or TDD


General Assembly January 2018 - April 2018

Collaborated on the development of web applications using JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Ruby, Node.js, Express.js, Mongo/Mongoose, React.js


* HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery * Node.js, React.js, Heroku * Sass * Ruby, Ruby on Rails * Paired programming * Git, Github version control * AJAX

Key understandings:

Front-End Web Development, Back-End Web Development, Working with Teams
Modern React with Redux
Udemy August 2017 - October 2017

Introduction to React and Redux.


Component structure, modeling application state, ajax requests with Axios, reducers, router.

Key understandings:

Building basic applications with React.js
Data Visualization and D3.js
Udacity June 2017 - Present

Fundamentals of data visualization


Design Principles, Narrative Structures, Animation and Interaction

Key understandings:

D3.js, Dimple Js
Front End Nanodegree
Udacity online Nov 2015-Nov 2016

Front-End Web Development, with a focus on building beautiful, responsive websites optimized for mobile and desktop performance.


HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML-5 Canvas, AJAX, JSON, Object Oriented JavaScript, Critical Rendering Path, Targeted Page Speed

Frameworks, libraries: Bootstrap, Knockout, Semanitc JS

Relevant Courses:

Responsive Web Design, Responsive Images, Git and Github
CS50: Introduction to Computer Science
Harvard online, self paced Fall 2015

Introduction to programming with emphasis on thinking algorithmically and solving problems efficiently


Loops, functions, variables, pointers

Key understandings:

abstraction, algorithms, data structures, encapsulation, resource management, security, software engineering, and web development


American College of Traditional Chinese Medicine
San Francisco, CA

MA, Chinese Medicine
Pomona College
Claremont, CA

BA, International Relations

Work Experience

Freelance Front-end Developer
Owner Dec 2016 - August 2017

Many challenges facing society are limitations in our ability to see patterns in complexity. I bring together insights from ecology, systems thinking, and physiology to help recognize these patterns. To that end, I use web technologies to generate insights and communicate data visually.
Chinese Medicine
Acupuncturist, Associate Professor 2007-2016

Developed my private practice in Acupuncture in San Francisco. Concurrently was Associate Professor of Chinese Medicine at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland. Pattern recognition in complex systems.
Chinese Medicine is systems theory applied to the human body. Through that lense, apparently disparate symptoms can be seen to emerge from dysfunctions in the interconnections of the system. Health is gained by reestablishing relationships among systems, organs, tissues, spirit, mind and body.
Ecological Systems Theory and Education
Educator, Grant Writer 1994-2003

After Pomona College I joined Teach For America and taught Spanish-bilingual elementary school in Oakland and in the Mission district of San Francisco. To improve learning outcomes I created a program, wrote grants, and lead a team of six teachers in integrating math, science, gardening, health and art. I immersed myself in research on learning and health. The program was so successful that I got recruited by one of the granting organizations, an ecological foundation, to work with a wider audience. This work helped me understand the body as an ecological network. Years later, that lead me to a Masters in Chinese Medicine since its core is applied systems thinking, and pattern recognition in complexity.


Making igloos in Yosemite

In March friends and I hike up to Yosemite and build an igloo

Snowshoes, snow blade, gloves, shovel, and a ton of snow. Ready to build!

San dunes make me happy!

Nothing beats jumping off a sand dune

Just jump, the soft sand will catch you

Drawing and photography
I am a visual learner. I use drawings to deepen learning.

Ink and paper

Let's Connect

This page created by Juan Carlos Collins. Credits: Helper functions by Udacity Front-End Course, Navbar by, Cards by